It is said that he wept tears of blood for the poor souls he had murdered to save himself, and vowed to prey only on the desert-dwelling natives and not the people of Lahmia. Initially he refused to feed on the blood of his own people, and desperately fought to control his fury: eventually however, his thirst grew so great that he slaughtered a dozen men and women in one night of gore. When Neferata tainted the nobles of her court with vampirism, Abhorash had to be tricked into drinking her blood.
When Neferata's partner Arkhan the Black took revenge and slayed the king, it was Abhorrash who slayed the necromancer in turn, but not before the liche helped Neferata become the first vampire.
He remained loyal to the king Lamashizaar when the queen Neferata siezed power and took part in the plan to assassinate her. Abhorash was the greatest warrior of Lahmia and held honour above all else.